I love February! If you've been following Homemade Parties, I'm sure by now you know why! February was a busy month for me, I'm surprised I was even able to post in our IG community, let alone write some party features in the blog. But, alas, my party preps is done and now my son is one! <sniff> So before I start getting all sentimental again, let me stop there and ... Continue Reading
Homemade Parties’ January Round-up
January was a happy month for Homemade Parties as we reached 1,000 followers in Instagram (inching our way to 1,500 as of this writing - hooray!). I can't believe how much our community has grown in a little over 3 months. I remember being so happy sharing my passion with some 100 or so people, and to be sharing it with even more makes my party planning heart so thrilled! Thank ... Continue Reading
Homemade Parties’ December Round-up
Time for another round-up and this one's extra special because we not only welcome a new month but a whole new year as well. Definitely thankful for the year that was and looking forward to the year ahead! 2014 was full of new beginnings and I'm hoping that 2015 will be just as exciting! Here's to growing our HMP community further, and together, let's inspire more people to ... Continue Reading
Homemade Parties’ November Round-up
One of the things I really love about starting Homemade Parties is how it has allowed me to meet new people who share the same passion for parties and celebrating. It sure is fun and inspiring to curate DIY parties, but to gain some virtual friends along the way is a big bonus. And I've just been at it for two months. I can only imagine what the next months (years?) will be ... Continue Reading
Homemade Parties’ October Round-up
Bring out the candles, bring out the cake! Let's celebrate! Homemade Parties is one month old today! It was an amazing first month and I am happy ecstatic with the support you guys have shown to this little project of mine. I've always been passionate about parties and party planning and I'm glad I now have an outlet to share that party spirit with you! We've seen a ... Continue Reading