I love Tagaytay for so many reasons. When I was younger, and back when it wasn't as commercialised as it is today, we would have family reunions and overnight stays in the quarters by Tagaytay's radar station. As a teenager growing up in the South, my high school friends and I would go to Tagaytay for lunch or merienda and still manage to be back in time for dinner with the ... Continue Reading
Wedding Wednesdays: J3 and Mae
Opening the love month with a DIY wedding feature! Today's DIY couple, J3 and Mae, worked on a lot of pre-wedding projects to personalise their wedding. "It was a lot of work, but my husband and I enjoyed so much doing the DIY stuff together. Even if we're not really very 'artsy' as we are both Industrial Engineering graduates, we enjoyed the "bonding" session and exercising ... Continue Reading
Wedding Details You’ll Love (at least I do!)
It's our first wedding post here in Homemade Parties and since my husband I just celebrated our anniversary, I thought I'd share with you all some of my favourite details from our wedding two years ago. Some DIY, some just personalised elements to add personality and a bit of whimsy. I'd like to think that love was poured into every detail of our wedding, so here's hoping that ... Continue Reading
Our Happily Ever After
Two years ago, for our wedding save the date, my husband I declared that "Valentine's Day has officially been moved to February 23" and that our guests should save the date so we can show them "how to celebrate love!" A year ago, it was our turn to personally see what love was REALLY. ALL. ABOUT! And boy, were we in for an even greater adventure! ... Continue Reading