Halfway done with 2017, would you believe? Starting off last month's round-up with our Father's Day post that resonated well with a lot of our readers and followers. It's true isn't it? This "DIY" isn't really a yourself thing. Most of the time we need all the help we can get and that's what makes DIYing a party even more meaningful; people working together to celebrate a happy ... Continue Reading
HMP’s April Round-up
So hey! We celebrated some milestones last April and I couldn't be any happier! Turned a year older and, hopefully wiser, but what excited me the most was reaching our 10-thousandth follower mark in Instagram! Thank you all for joining me in the pursuit of showcasing these parties made with love, patience and pawis! 😂 Let's inspire each other more as we continue to grow ... Continue Reading
HMP’s March Round-up
Woohoo, officially feeling summer all around! You must be raring to go on a vacation so making this a quick post for quick inspirations for your next party! Lots to see around the blog so browse more pages while chilling' on the beach! But before that, here are the March favourites, coming right up! 1. @bravetyrion's up-in-the-air party. Who doesn't love this iconic ... Continue Reading
HMP’s September Round-up
I woke up and September has ended already! Just like that, we're down to our last three months for 2016. I can feel Christmas inching in and soon as we entered September, my personal Facebook feed was filled with Jose Mari Chan memes. Yes folks, he who controls the PA systems during this season. 😂 But before we get caught up with the holiday rush, let's first check out ... Continue Reading
10 [More] Easy DIY Backdrops you can Totally Make!
Because we couldn't get enough of it, here's another round of inspiration for all you DIY party lovers! More easy backdrops to choose from. [Check out Part 1 here!] You don't have to be a pro crafter to make most of these so go and hang-out with our friends Pinterest and Youtube for some tutorials! Good luck! 1. Hang some plushies! A photo posted by ... Continue Reading
Twinkle Twinkle Little Luna
It's week 2 of the HMP Christmas Countdown and today we're sharing some free printables for all you printable-loving DIYers out there! A couple of months ago, my girl friends and I showered our dear friend with a Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars party. The new bundle of joy was going to be named Luna, so we tweaked the theme a bit to include elements of the moon as well. A ... Continue Reading
Homemade Parties’ March Round-up
A little bit late this time but still very much worthy of a blog post! Check out this list of your favorite homemade parties from last month and get some inspiration to DIY your way to your next party! And oh, guess what, it's our 6th monthly round-up which means we're half a year old already! A very halfy birthday to our growing HMP community! ... Continue Reading
Homemade Parties’ November Round-up
One of the things I really love about starting Homemade Parties is how it has allowed me to meet new people who share the same passion for parties and celebrating. It sure is fun and inspiring to curate DIY parties, but to gain some virtual friends along the way is a big bonus. And I've just been at it for two months. I can only imagine what the next months (years?) will be ... Continue Reading