I was busy with a mini launch for HMP, I almost forgot it was time for our round-ups! We’ll get to your favorite DIY posts later on, but for now I’d like to share with you something new and exciting from Homemade Parties!
I’ve received a lot of inquires in HMP’s private message asking for party planning tips: how to throw a basketball themed party, where to buy a party item, what’s the best theme for a Christening, etc, etc. Being passionate about parties, I happily reply and entertain these kinds of questions but I’m sure there are a lot of us out there who would also willingly share their knowledge about party planning DIYs. And so came the idea of creating a community where we can ask questions, share some tips and just be in the company of people who share the same love for parties! Friends, welcome to HMP’s DIY Party Community!
This is a place where fellow DIY party-enthusiasts can exchange tips and tricks regarding party planning. While party planning can be fun, some find it daunting at times. This community will help you get through that overwhelming but, more than anything, fulfilling experience of planning your child’s first birthday, or hosting your best friend’s bridal shower, or starting your ever after…planning all the important milestones in your life. What are you waiting for? Click here if you want to be part of the community. Don’t forget to read the pinned post for the group’s guidelines. And, more importantly, don’t forget to spread the word about our fun new group and help our community grow! The more, the merrier!
Now that that’s “launched”, let’s get to the past month’s favorite parties!
1. @joselleona’s homemade party: One of the parties I’m personally happy to see in our round-ups. It’s not everyday we see someone celebrate 93 years of being loved!
2. @jlucasreyes’ sideline: Haha! Yes, this is just his part-time job. Happy to see professional wedding photographer J. Lucas Reyes is also into making DIY dessert tables for his kids!
3. @sheilacatilo’s invites: Mommy Sheila graces our round-up again with her quick and easy invites for a mini classroom party!
4. @gelatinmartinez’ DIY piñata: Can’t find the perfect one? Make one! And that’s just what one of our #handsoncelebration participants did for her child’s My Little Pony themed party!
5. @ericapot’s Kokeshi Doll party: Here’s a product of one of my private message exchanges over Facebook! (and how fitting to see this in the round-up just as we launched the HMP Community!) See more about her story and this party here.
Do you love to throw DIY parties just like us? Join our Instagram and Facebook communities for daily DIY party inspirations. Use the hashtag #homemadeparties to share your own party. Looking forward to seeing one of your parties here next month!
***In case you’re new to the blog, HMP’s Monthly Round-ups feature the most “liked” DIY parties from our Instagram and Facebook feeds combined.
Hi, i need suggestion for a civil wedding