Halfway done with 2017, would you believe? Starting off last month’s round-up with our Father’s Day post that resonated well with a lot of our readers and followers. It’s true isn’t it? This “DIY” isn’t really a yourself thing. Most of the time we need all the help we can get and that’s what makes DIYing a party even more meaningful; people working together to celebrate a happy occasion. 💕
Truly it takes a village to create a DIY party! Let’s see how these people did it for their now homemade parties. Funny that there seems to be a common theme: stars and donuts. 🌟
1. @monicalaurenlopez’ twinkle stars party
2. @memekhs’ twinkle stars dessert spread
3. @maricarrillera’s donut party
4. @artisticchic’s raindrops photoshoot
5. @hands_on_momma’s colourful party
If you’re new to the blog, HMP’s Monthly Round-ups feature the most “liked” DIY parties from our Instagram and Facebook feeds combined.
Do you love to throw DIY parties just like us? Join our Instagram and Facebook communities for daily DIY party inspirations. Use the hashtag #homemadeparties to share your own party. Looking forward to seeing one of your parties here next month!
I don’t know where the time goes. Before we know it summer will be gone and we will be looking forward to Christmas!