Warning: not a party post, but useful nonetheless!
New year, new resolutions, and for us entrepreneurs, (re)new permits! Because this is what’s been taking up so much of my time lately, I might as well write about it. Hey, it’s still DIY since I’m processing all of these myself, right? Perhaps I can write about my franchising experience too and the steps I took in applying for new business permits – because you know, life doesn’t give you a handbook on that 😜 For now though, here are the steps in renewing business permits. Please note that this is for Pasig and was done in 2018.
Step 1: Proceed to the Barangay Hall for a new Barangay Clearance.
- What you’ll need:
- Copy of previous year’s Barangay Clearance with receipt
- Copy of your Contract of Lease
- Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (which you can get from the barangay since insurance companies usually set-up satellite “offices” during renewal period)
- Cost: Php 600 + cost of CGLI computed based on floor area/size of your space
- Time: An hour to fill up forms and process insurance; printed clearance to be released the following day
Step 2: Proceed to the Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO) of the Municipal Hall for the Mayor’s/Business Permit Renewal. Secure an application form and fill-out. Attach all requirements.
- What you’ll need:
- Barangay Clearance (from Step 1, original and photocopy required)
- Previous Year’s Quarterly/Monthly Vat (2550Q and 2550M which you should be filing with BIR) and Monthly Percentage Tax Return, if any (1702, also from BIR)
- Tax Order of Payment and Official Receipts from previous year
- Certificate of Conformance from previous year
- Audited Financial Statement/ITR of 2016 (2 years prior, if this is not your first time to renew)
- I didn’t have to show these, but would come in handy in case they look for it:
- Copy of previous year’s Mayor’s/Business Permit with proof of payment/official receipts
- Community Tax Certificate from previous year
- Certification of Tax Exemption, if any (original and photocopy required)
- Breakdown of sales, if there are two or more lines of business, in the case of consolidated statements
Step 3: Submit application form and requirements and wait for your assessment.
Step 4: If all documents are in check, you will be asked to proceed to the City Treasurer’s Office for payment. Pay for your renewal fees. Manager’s Checks and debit/credit cards are accepted.
- Cost: Php 50 for the application form (I was told this was for notarial services 🤔) + cost of renewal which is based on your gross sales from previous year plus miscellaneous charges like garbage fee, personnel fee, cedula, etc.
- Time: Steps 2-4 will take about an hour and half. Make sure all your documents are complete for faster processing.
Step 5: Proceed to the one-stop-shop for the Zoning Certificate of Conformance, Fire, CENRO, and Sanitary Permit renewals.
- What you’ll need:
- Previous year’s Certificate of Conformance, Fire, Sanitary and CENRO Certificates (original and photocopy required)
- Photocopy of tax order and receipt (the one you just paid from Step 4)
- Cost: All of these have been paid for in Step 4. If you were compliant the previous year, then you won’t have to pay additional for penalties.
- Time: Another hour to an hour and a half, mostly waiting. 😩
Step 6: Go back to the BPLO and submit documents from Step 5. Wait for your brand-spanking-new business permit to be printed!
- What you’ll need: File all photocopies in one pile and the originals in another and submit.
- Updated Certificate of Conformance, Fire, Sanitary and CENRO Certificates from Step 5 (original and photocopy)
- Photocopy of current tax order and receipt (original and photocopy)
- All documents submitted in Step 1 including blue copy of application form
- Cost: Nothing.
- Time: 10-15 minutes depending on the line.
Congratulations, you have successfully renewed your permits! 🎉
Other things to note:
- Business permits must be renewed on the first 20 days of the year.
- Do not forget to bring a pen and extra copies of your documents. You don’t want to add more waiting time with the long lines in the photocopying station.
- Some BPLO’s extend business hours during renewal period. For Pasig in particular this 2018, they extended business hours until 8pm. Pasig BPLO is open on Saturdays during renewal period.
- If you are sending a representative to do this on your behalf, make sure he/she has a an authorization letter as some municipalities ask for it.
- You also need to renew your BIR Certificate of Registration via BIR form 0605. This can be done online and paid (Php 500) through BIR accredited banks. Deadline is every January 31.
in Pasig city, do you need to submit the CTC and medical records of all your employees in order to renew your business permit?
No, they can print your business permit even if employee health permits are not yet complete. They give you a provisional sanitary permit first and will give you time to complete the sanitary requirements before giving you the actual sanitary permit. This is my experience for renewal. Thanks!
what is the requirements for sanitary permit in pasig? thanks in advance
Do we need to submit the CTC of all the employee?
Eventually you will but not needed on the actual renewal day.