We loved our first look... but we're celebrating our birthday after all so we decided to put our best party dress on! As #hmpturnsone, we bring you a pretty new blog to showcase all your DIY parties. The fresh look puts more focus on all your party photos and details. I wanted the website to look clean with just the right amount of festive and celebratory cues. While the ... Continue Reading
Emma’s Donut Party
One of the first DIY party projects I featured in the Homemade Parties Instagram feed was of Nica's hand-drawn paper hats for her daughter's birthday party. Not only did she make party hats, she also made buntings to match...and yes, also hand-drawn! I've been a fan ever since and I was itching to feature one of her parties in the blog. I love how she and her family stay true ... Continue Reading
Zian’s Alphabet Party
A it's adorable, B it's so beautiful, C it's a children's party full or charm! And D, well what else, it's a DIY party made by mom! Mommy Jessamine always wanted to be a party stylist so she channelled all her creativity into her Baby Zian's ABC party. She shares, "I made everything, from the party hats, his shirt, invitation, banderitas, cakes and cupcakes, paper glass, as in ... Continue Reading
Lucas’ 50s Diner Party, Part 2
It goes by many names - a soc hop party, a 50s diner party, a Grease party, or even a Rock and Roll party – but we all know one thing…this party theme is such a fun one to plan! There are so many elements you can play around with aside from the décor; there’s the food, your outfits, the music, etc. etc. You’ve already seen our DIY dessert bar here, so today, I’ll be sharing ... Continue Reading
Lucas’ 50s Diner Party, Part 1
I'm so excited to finally share with you some photos from Lucas' 50's Diner themed party. There's a lot of party details I want to share so I decided to do this in two parts (...or three...or four! Haha!) I'm starting with one of my favorite elements, our DIY dessert bar. This usually takes up most of our time in our party preps, and more so now since it also doubled as our ... Continue Reading
Liev’s Sesame Street Party
Sunny days are here again and I just can't help but feel cheerful with all the splash of colors in Liev's DIY party! Mommy Hanika shares: "Liev had a 'big' party back in the Philippines during the Christmas/New Year holiday break (his actual birthday is January 1). However, some of our close friends in Singapore missed it so my husband and I decided to have a small DIY party ... Continue Reading
Chantel’s Spa Party
For her 7th birthday, Chantel thought of having a spa party to celebrate with some of her closest friends. "I'm proud to say that all the details you see in the photos, from the set up to the centerpieces were all her ideas and shared a hand in making them too," shares one happy (and proud) mommy of their party planning. If we have hands on moms, then we can definitely have ... Continue Reading
Danila’s Monthly Themed Parties
Some of us get intimated at the thought of having to plan our baby's first birthday. Just like everything else for your little one, you want it to be special and memorable. That's why most parents go the extra mile in celebrating when their baby turns one. Some parents, though, can't wait a year for the celebrations to start! Take Danila's mommy for example, who amazingly was ... Continue Reading
Kendra’s Pink and Lime Green Birthday Party
Its one thing to DIY your baby's party, but to DIY amidst news of a Public Storm Signal No. 3 is another! Its a good thing that this supermom started her preparations months before her baby's birthday, starting with the rosettes that she'd patiently make on weekends or weekdays after work. So even if little Kendra's birthday party fell on the day a typhoon hit their province, ... Continue Reading
Picnic, Planes and Philip Party
There's so many things to love about today's homemade party, I don't even know where to start! I mean, just look at that screenshot of Rica Peralejo-Bonifacio's Instagram feed? It's one filled with pretty little details and a whole lot of love as we see everyone working together for Philip's first birthday. https://instagram.com/p/x-4UlZoP52/?modal=true The theme...I love ... Continue Reading