So hey! We celebrated some milestones last April and I couldn't be any happier! Turned a year older and, hopefully wiser, but what excited me the most was reaching our 10-thousandth follower mark in Instagram! Thank you all for joining me in the pursuit of showcasing these parties made with love, patience and pawis! 😂 Let's inspire each other more as we continue to grow ... Continue Reading
HMP’s January Round-up
Guys, gotta get this out of the way... The past months have been a whirlwind of events but looks like I'm getting my groove back and we're back to regular programming! So many exciting things happening and I'll share more in the coming weeks. But before that, we bring you your favorite parties from the month of January. 1. @meanqueenlynn and friends' ... Continue Reading
HMP’s November Round-up
This is late, I know. I've fallen victim to what we call the holiday rush! And since it's December and we're all likely busily running around like Santa's elves, I'll keep this short! See what we were busy with last month here and here. I still owe you the part 2 (and 3?) of my Divisoria post so I better get to our round-up so I can start working on those! ... Continue Reading
HMP’s October Round-up
Welcoming a new month! Homemade Parties quietly turned two this October and I'm excited for the plans laid out for the blog and community for the next year. To give back in our birthday month, we launched Party it Forward in our DIY Community - an avenue where you can dispose of your well-loved used (or hoarded 😂) party items. It's not for sale though, just paying it ... Continue Reading
HMP’s September Round-up
I woke up and September has ended already! Just like that, we're down to our last three months for 2016. I can feel Christmas inching in and soon as we entered September, my personal Facebook feed was filled with Jose Mari Chan memes. Yes folks, he who controls the PA systems during this season. 😂 But before we get caught up with the holiday rush, let's first check out ... Continue Reading
HMP’s August Round-up
I was having an exchange of messages with another DIY mom a few weeks ago and this is what she had to say about her DIY experience: A photo posted by DIY Party Inspirations Blog (@homemadeparties) on Jul 12, 2016 at 2:03am PDT I'm sure we can all relate! We hustle and hustle to get the DIY party of our kid's dreams (Admit it, tayo talaga may dream nito ... Continue Reading
HMP’s June Round-up
And just like that, we're in the second half of the year! Sorry this is a tad bit late - I've been busy with little projects here and there including a new line of products for our sister brand Misis Homemaker. This June we released some how to videos for you to enjoy. Watch out for other exciting posts from HMP! And now, on to your favorite posts from June! 1. ... Continue Reading
HMP’s May Round-up
I finally get to work on the real round-up post! I was writing my usual intro for our monthly round-up, and...well, I got a little distracted and ended up launching Shades of Something, HMP's party planning arm! Don't get me wrong, I still champion DIY and homemade parties, but I know there are also some who find the task a little daunting. So don't fret, I'm here to hold your ... Continue Reading
Homemade Parties’ April Round-up
Oh yeah! Doing the happy dance! It's just the first week of May and I've managed to share three posts already. Totally making up for having just three posts for April. 😅 There's a lot in store for you guys in the coming weeks including another giveaway and something new for HMP. Can't wait to share it with you! In the meantime, let's feast on these favorite parties from ... Continue Reading
Homemade Parties’ March Round-up…and more!
I was busy with a mini launch for HMP, I almost forgot it was time for our round-ups! We'll get to your favorite DIY posts later on, but for now I'd like to share with you something new and exciting from Homemade Parties! I've received a lot of inquires in HMP's private message asking for party planning tips: how to throw a basketball themed party, where to buy a ... Continue Reading