Homemade Parties’ October Round-up (and some of my thoughts as we turn one!)
I felt I had to add that last line to the title because this is more than just a round-up post. It’s a thank you post, a reflection post, a look back at how it’s been for the last year. 700 Instagram posts, 69 blog posts, 1,400+ #homemadeparties tags, and 4,000+ Instagram and 2,500+ Facebook followers after, here we are, celebrating our first year. I love how “homemade parties” has somewhat become a household term and how it’s sometimes said interchangeably with DIY parties. I keep reading the heartfelt messages I get in Instagram, in Facebook, and in my email and it fills my heart to the brim to know how the blog has inspired others in its own little way…one DIY party at a time. Thank you for “following” along in this little project of mine.
And so here we are again. Doing our 13th round-up, on the anniversary of our first feature! October was the busiest month for HMP so far: a blog relaunch, a giveaway, and preps for a DIY decorating workshop party to culminate our monthlong celebration. And like in the past, our Instagram and Facebook feeds were filled with inspiring DIYs! Here they are:
1. @jerigranadasamaniego’s DIY photoshoot: Loads of colourful balloons and a charming little baby, can this shot get any cuter? Oh yes, add those flower headbands and cuddly little bear!2. @expresslaine’s B&W merienda spread: Because you can never go wrong with the classic black and white, and well…some yummy looking merienda too! I bet a lot of you got hungry as you “liked” this in our feeds.
3. @cqsolis’ and @j_i_m1iong’s bridal shower set-up: I love how all the decors came together in this photo! The pink and gold balloons matched the backdrop perfectly!
4. @blanchefully.yours’ fall-inspired baby shower: We may not have the four seasons here but it seems this still holds it charm, making it to our round-up. Plus, those little hints of pumpkins made it a perfect inspiration for Halloween!
5. @anne.ignacio’s Hallooween treats: No tricks here, just treats! I love how people get all creative with their Halloween goodies. I’d be happy to just receive a treat, but seeing extra love put into it makes it even more fun!
Do you love to throw DIY parties just like us? Join our Instagram and Facebook communities for daily DIY party inspirations. Use the hashtag #homemadeparties to share your own party. Looking forward to seeing one of your parties here next month!
***In case you’re new to the blog, HMP’s Monthly Round-ups feature the most “liked” DIY parties from our Instagram and Facebook feeds combined.
Awww! Thanks Monica for including our little DIY fall themed baby shower. Your blog inspired me to do more DIY decors in the coming events for our little ones. Cheerio!
Looking forward to seeing them! 🙂 Your party was a hit to our followers – got a lot go likes!